Sunday, October 30, 2005

Irish Times Knitting Article

On Friday the 28th of October the Irish Times published an article about Stitch "N" Bitch IE.
Feature writer Fionola Meredith attended the October meet-up to interview those attending and see first hand Irelands first Stitch 'n' Bitch group in action.
To be able to read the article you will need to take out a 2 Euro (24 hour) subscription. The web page for The Irish Times is

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Eros Scarf

Last week my package from Patternworks arrived, it took three weeks to get here but was certainly worth the wait.
The main part of my splurge was an organiser for all my little bits and bobs that I like to have handy when knitting or crocheting. Scissors, pins, tape measure etc. etc.

The other thing was a ball of Eros and a free scarf pattern.